Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food Adventure - Nepal

My sister was back for a holiday & she suggested that we have a Nepal food adventure. So, we went for it. Along Jalan Silang, there were lot of shops full of foreign workers. We felt like stepping into another world. Boy......I couldn't understand a thing ... the foreign languages on the sign board ...and it is just in the middle of KL. There are these "specialty" shops that serve the foreign community that work in Malaysia.We went into a restaurant...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Express Noodles

Noodles is Asian favorite. I do observe most children like noodles compared to rice. I love too cook noodels as a quick fix for my family Saturday lunch. It was so easy to cook noodles compared to rice. You cook the noodles in the same wok pan & wash only 1 pan. That's the most important when you are in a rush. Life is busy with lots of unexpected events. Be sure to keep lot of spaghetti. Spaghetti has great texture -al dente which is just good...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

American Pancake II - One Bowl Method

Now, let's do the easiest American Pancake on earth. It is slightly different from the previous recipes that I posted in the blog. This recipes produce a nice & simple pancakes. My 6 years old go nuts on pancakes with her favorite : maple syrup & passion fruits. My hubby prefer peanut butter with banana, that was a great combination. I like my pancakes with maple syrup & butter.Here is the recipes link:

Fresh White Promphet from Kuala Selangor

White Promphet is one of the favorite fish for most Asian. It is less fishy & the meat is smooth in texture. I was quite lucky the other day that I manage to get some really fresh small white promphet in Jaya Grocer near my house. The fishmongers were telling me that it was the catch of the day. Fine. I got some of those fish for tonight dinner.The fish are just awesome. The fish monger was honest, it was fresh. I steamed the white promphet with...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kimchi in Baguette

My hubby was watching T.V. the other day & he told me that even the Kimchi can be used in bread making. Since I have been very adventurous with food & all the raw material is available. I must try it in the bread, in my case, I am making a baguette.You can use it in any bread. Just pick a good bread recipies from: you add the kimchi into the bread mixture. Pls make...

Korean Kimchi Omelet / Fried Eggs

Now it is time for me to use the homemade kimchi to create some new dishes. I found that kimchi pancake is very interesting. Once I had dined in a Korean restaurant & they serve the pancake last as a complementary "dessert". I like the taste of kimchi pancake. It is so different from the 6 tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, saltiness & umami. Well, it is kind of difficult to elaborate in words. The best way to taste it is to eat it.For...

Korean Kimchi

Recently I am really into this Korean food stuff thingy. Maybe I am too bored of the daily food & need some different kind of excitement for the weekend meals. Initially I thought that kimchi was difficult to make..but hey....after some research it looks pretty easy, I decided to give it a try. I kick start my kimchi project with the most basic kimchi recipes. Actually the Korean chili pepper flakes are easily available at the Lotte retail shop....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Healthy Granola for Breakfast

Granola is a real healthy choice for breakfast if you bake it yourself. That's because you can control the amount of sugar & fat in your very own homemade granola. You won't believe how simple it is. For flavor, I love to use maple syrup instead of sugar.The granola is great with milk & fresh fruit (fibers) for breakfast. Or you can even serve it as a mini snacks between meal. Since this is heavily loaded with the cinnamon spices, I find...