Friday, October 23, 2015

Pan Fry Norwegian Mackerel

Fish is fast to cook & taste great with simple seasoning. Let's Pan Fry Norwegian Mackerel. If you use Japanese style soy sauces, it will taste very close to teriyaki. If you use Chinese style soy sauces, it will taste so classic & old school just like how my grandma fry it. Simple yet delicious.

Cleaned Norwegian Mackerel (dry the fish with paper kitchen towel)
Salt (not too much as we will flavour with soy sauces)
Soy Sauces
Frying oil

1) Season the fish well with pepper & salt.
2) I am using very little oil to quote the base of the non stick pan. Hot the pan with medium fire.
3) Slide the fish with skin side down. Let it simmer with medium fire for 2-3 mins.
4) When flesh starts changing colors & texture. You can see the fish became more solid & the flesh will turn white instead of semi-transparent. Turn the fire over. Let theother side simmer for another 2-3 mins.
5) When the fish is almost done, last in a dash of soy sauces (roughly about 1 tbsp)
6) Quickly flip the fish to coat it with soy sauces in the hot pan, off the fire & we are done.