Monday, June 28, 2010

Bak Kut Teh - Pork in Herba Soup

For the uninitiated, BKT in general sense is Malaysian Chinese pork stewed in medicinal winter herbs (ironicaly, there is no winter in Malaysia, but in the early days, i.e. before global warming, getting stuck indoor during the monsoon season is a pretty cold affair).To prepare Bak Kut Teh (BKT) is actually a very simple process, the complicated process is actually in the cleaning and preparing the pig gut and intestine, which needs to be cleaned...

Seafood Marinara Penne

Pasta is really the easiest thing to cook. It is so simple & delicious. The most important things is children love pasta. I find my child is always in a big mess when she eat spaghetti. Nowadays I prefer to cook penne or tri colour rotini when she is around during weekend. Less mess for me to clean up. The way Italian cook are quite similar to Chinese in terms of cooking a big pot to feed the whole family.When use seafood for cooking pasta- pls...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer - Blueberry Baked Cheese Cake

Summer has arrived. Let's get the ingredient ready & starts baking to celebrate summer.Blueberries/ Cherries are some of the best summer fruits that I enjoyed.1st: It is healthy2nd: It has high antioxidants - make you looks younger3rd: It is deliciousI have decided to baked a blueberry cheese cake.A very simple one. In fact, I think this is a good recipes for the beginner.Remember simple is good.Recipes with reference to :'s...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shrimps for Father Day Celebration

Love shrimps. It is really tasty on its own. It is really fast to cook shrimps.Come to think about it, I do feel pity for the shrimpers affected by the BP oil spill in South America. The environment disaster at such magnitude is way out of hand & it will take ages to recover to its normal state. I don't think any animals or sea creatures can survive in such disastrous environment. Therefore, people should be always thankful to the environment...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stir Fry Vegetables

Everyone can stir fry vegetables. It is pretty simple. Do you know that it is more difficult to cook delicious vegetable compared to poultry/seafood. What I mean "delicious" is equivalent to the restaurant standard. The balance of flavor, the crunchiness of the vegetables, mix & match of different type of vegetables. The other main factor of success is the control of the "fire". Honestly speaking - a chef really need to master the "fire" element...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Stir-Fried Pork in Gochujang Paste

Gochujang - The classic Korean Paste call gochujang also uses soya beans as a base, but this time red chilies are added for spice, as well as powdered rice, salt and a little sugar, before the mixture is left to ferment in a warm place. This produces a dark, red, rich, concentrated paste which is used to marinate meat & is added to many cooked dishes to give them a spicy tang.Serve 4:Seasoning Sauces - mix all the below together15ml sesame oil50ml...