Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wakame & Tofu Miso Soup

When I do not have enough time to prepare soup, I always make this “super fast” soup for my 5 years old. She is a typical Chinese, she must have soup for dinner. Chinese soup is categorized as clear soup. It is very different from the creamy & thick mushroom/pumpkin soup. It normally needs to simmer for at least 4 hours on slow heat.

The weekend is always very busy. All the cleaning up …washing…cooking…grocery shopping etc… I do forget to prepare the soup sometimes. However, I have some tricks up my sleeves. The Japanese Miso soup comes to the rescue. It is so easy & can be done in 10 minutes.

Basic Recipies ( For 2-3 serving)

3 tbsp miso paste

3g Japanese or Korean wakame

1 block organic soft tofu

5g spring onion

600cc water

For richer soup you can add these alternative materials:

Add meat: scallop /crab/ prawn/clamp (la-la)/white fish slice

Add more veggie: cabbage/potato/ carrot/ radish


Boil water, Add tofu (cut), Add additional ingredient of your choice, Sprinkle wakame into the soup,Add miso paste into the soup, Turn off heat & add spring onion.

Isn’t this super easy?