Saturday, October 19, 2013

Delicious Cranberry, Raisin, Blueberry, Chocolate Chips Muffin

Fresh Blueberry Muffins
Muffins are good for breakfast or tea break. It is not as sweet as cupcakes & the texture is not as fine as a cake. The texture is more coarse compared to cupcakes.  It is very versatile & you can use it to make any version of muffins depends on your favorite choices- Cranberry, Raisin, Chocolate Chips or Blueberry.

This is a super easy recipes which is very suitable for any beginner in baking. Even though I love to bake & can create some complicated pastry but I still love to bake simple stuffs. The only reason - fast! On the other hand, I do enjoy complicated baking, it makes you feel good that you can make something at par with those professional baker. Baking is very therapeutic too. Even though I need to do a lot of clean up after a major baking session, it is still very satisfying. Yeah...these muffins are very satisfying too.

Here it is:
To make 5 muffins, You will need the below:

50g Butter
70g Sugar
1 Egg
100g All Purpose flour/ Low protein flour
1tsp Baking Powder
A pinch of Salt
60ml Milk
75g Blueberry, Raisin, Cranberry or Chocolate Chips

1)Beat butter & sugar until fluffy & color turn pale.
2)Add in eggs & mix thoroughly.
3)Add in the premix of dry ingredients:  flour + baking powder + salt.
4)Alternate the flour mixture with milk.
5)Lastly, add in your favorite choice of Blueberry, Raisin, Cranberry or Chocolate Chips.
6)Bake for 170'C in a preheated oven.

*Tips- for all baking, you need to preheat the oven until the specified temperature. If you did not preheat it, the baked goods will not turn out right.

Cranberry Muffins
This recipes is good as it is not too heavy. In fact I like the right texture of these muffins. You can see it from the below pic.
Lovely Cranberry Muffins Texture