Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cookies Gift for Chinese New Year

I have been extremely busy lately due to the coming CNY. As a child, I love CNY. A child do not need to do anything, he or she just enjoy this event to the max. Non- stop supplies of snack, playing with the relative kids, collecting the CNY "ang pow". Look at my girl, she tell me "mummy, CNY is my best". Yeah...She is damn right. She have all the fun with my sisters & brother. But as an married adults with kid, CNY means a lot of work to me....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baked Sausages & Baked Carrot

Baked Carrot is super easy & delicious. I knew that Jamie Oliver recipes is not presenting fine food cooking like French cooking. It doesn't looks very high class. But it is a humble everyday food ...Hey it doesn't need to be complicated....simple food can taste fantastic too. You couldn't believe how delicious those little sweet caramelized carrots are. I should have make more. My brother says personally he prefer the baked carrot more than...

Seafood Miso Soup

Here is another variation of the Miso Soup. I love to try experimenting different way of cooking or using different ingredient to cook. You will be surprise how much fun you will have in your kitchen.Basic Recipes ( For 2-3 serving) 3 tbsp miso paste 3g Japanese wakame 1 block organic soft tofu 5g spring onion 600cc water For richer soup you can add these alternative materials: Add seafood: squid (cut into ring shape); Sea vegetable (different...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Decorated Chocolate Marble Butter Cake

I know most of us love chocolate. But not everybody love chocolate. Among my friends, especially the older generation, some of them do not really like the after taste of chocolate. Well, in order to please everyone- the younger generation & the older generation. I make a cake something in between - a chocolate marble cake. We have the vanilla cake batter & the some chocolate cake batter in this cake.Pls refer to this link for the recipies:

Culinary Herbs

Naturally, people who love to bake will love to cook. I think it is very natural for a baker to fall in love in cooking. Hm.....Look at Anna Olson, Rachel Allen, Nigella Lawson, Michael Smith....they love to bake & cook. Ahem** I love to bake & cook too.Due to that, I have started planting some herbs in my little condo garden. It was not growing very well though (end of last year) due to not enough sunlight in the balcony.However, it is...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Kitchen Helper

I do not have a maid. My kitchen helper is mainly heavy duty kitchen equipment. Most of the time I would like to get the "industrial" grade tools for my kitchen. 1st- it is durable, of course it is not cheap. 2nd- it is reliable, just like any others tools in the professional baker kitchen. It got to be heavy duty to handle my "abuse" usage. Can you imagine that my Fagor oven (higher range) break down & need replacement? Initially I was thinking...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Red Chilled Raspberry Konnyaku Jelly

Red- the colour of Spring. Well, I should also say the auspicious colour of Chinese New Year. I have made some delicious red raspberry konnyaku jelly. It is low in fat & low in sugar provided you don’t throw in lots of sugar. I knew, sugar is a very addictive element. The chilled konnyaku jelly is really good for such hot weather. The sweet & sour chilled konnyaku jelly is really delicious. It is pretty simple to make those little sweet...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 2010 New Year Dinner

I have been really busy on work & family. I have cooked up a storm in my kitchen for the new year dinner with my family. Here are some of the pictures. Will publish the recipes when I am free. Hopefully.The ugly bad boy -> Red snapper baked in salt crust....