Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Flower Crab - How to prepare ?

My friend bought us some flower crabs. These are local caught flower crab. You can only harvest 30% meat from these crab. They had less meat proportion to their body weight. But the plus point is the flavor of the flesh is more intense.  By the way, this is the first time we process the crab. Got to use some brain juices to crack the puzzle.How to "gut" the crab?? Hm.......
First thing first, wash the crab with brush & water. You can see in the below pictures, we are preparing to use the Chinese big knife to smash the crab clamp later. You can twist the arms or legs for bigger size crab. However, we just kept it intact because the size is not big.
We can still recalled he told us, look for the triangle flap on the crab belly. He is right there is a triangle flap. Can you see it?
Open the triangle flap; use force to tear open the body. It was pretty easy to handle because the crab was small.
Lastly remove the spongy gills & small paddles. Then use a knife to chopped the crab into two.
Use a spoon to scoop out the roe (crab butter). You can keep it or discard it depending on your preference. Those thing are quite high in cholesterol but taste freaking good. Eat sparingly.

For fresh crab, just steam it with some salt or can cook with plain rice porridge (flavors are better with the crab roe).