Saturday, September 20, 2014

Easy Nurungji Porriadge

Nurungji is a traditional Korean food that made of scorched rice. It is a thin crush of scorched rice will be left in the bottom of the cooking pot. In Chinese, it is called guoba (锅巴). My curiosity got me to try out this Korean Nurungji. Spotted these on the selves, asking myself, how does it taste like? How to cook it? It doesn't really looks like a rice crisp (crunchy snacks made of white rice). Hm......   

This is a very practical super fast food that can be served in less than 10 mins. It is almost using the same amount of time on cooking a packet of instant noodles. A lot healthier. Especially love to make these in a busy & cool weekday morning. The hot rice porridge is so comforting.  

Nurungji (Chongga Brand)
Soup (Clear)

Only 2 ingredients. Use any left over soup from previous night dinner. Usually we have some extras. It got to be clear type of soup- e.g. chicken soup, vegetable soup etc.....

Why I do not put measurement on this recipes because it is too flexible. You can use more nurungji rice to make thicker porridge. You can use less nurungji rice to make soupy porridge. Honestly, it is really personal.

However, just remember, always start with ratio of rice (1 part) : soup (3 part).
Cook longer if you want thicker porridge (less soupy, soup will reduce with longer cooking time) & vice versa. I like my porridge soupy & nurungji cooked al-dente.

Just pour nurungji in the cool soup straight from the fridge. Do not need to boil the soup at all.

Boil the soup & nurungji for about 8-10 mins over medium fire. Cook longer if you like thicker porridge (less soup). Salt & pepper to taste if needed. This is so simple & everyone can do it.