Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Bread - French bread/ Baguette

This is my homemade daily bread- it is lean, eggless, simple & the best sandwich bread. I learned to enjoy this bread starting year 2006 when I can make a proper baguette...Finally... Pai seh....I normally add flaxseed (super healthy) & it is smell good when toasting in the oven. My daughter love it too - the toasted flaxseed baguette with LOTS LOTS of butter....hahaha....Then, i can hear she says yummy yummy & nicey nicey.

Of course the sour dough french bread /baguette is extremely yummy too. But it take quite some effort to make the biga. The bread taste sourish but it have another level of flavour. Some people love it but some hate it. Of course, i do love it. When the bread made with aged biga (almost 30 years), the taste is soooooooo nice, lucky me that i have a chance to taste it in one of the Aussie oldest bakery.