Monday, September 8, 2014

Easy Cubed Radish Kimchi (Kaktugi) with Kimchi Based Sauces

Here is another options of Kimchi side dishes that everyone love. Juicy & crunchy Kaktugi (white radish) Kimchi . Kaktugi kimchi comes very handy for stew or soup. It is actually very easy to make. It can be served immediately after the mixing is done. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Ingredients (2-3 servings):
Pre- preparation:
400g Daikon / White radish (cleaned, skin peeled & cubed)
1tsp of salt
1tsp of sugar

1) Mix the Daikon, salt & sugar. Let it sit aside for 30mins.

2) Some water will be drained out after 30 mins & pour the water away.

Marinate Ingredients:
50g Chongga Touch of Spicy Kimchi based sauces (TOS)
3g of salt

1) Use clean plastic glove to mix the pre-prepared Daikon with the TOS Kimchi based sauces & salt.

2) Serve immediately & keep these in clean container in the fridge.
3) Decorate with some spring onion & sliced chili when serve.

Tips: Freshly made Kaktugi Kimchi is great as side dishes.
Tips: Aged Kaktugi Kimchi is great for stew & soup especially during cool weather.