Saturday, January 31, 2015

Simple Lady Finger (Okra) Salad

Super simple easy salad for a busy weekday nights. Okra or ladies fingers are surprising one of the super food that have a lots of health benefits. Okra is packed with dietary fibre that helps stabilisation of blood sugar levels by regulation of the rate of absorption of sugar from the digestive tract. The anti-diabetic property of okra is also attributed to its ability of inhibition of enzymes metabolizing carbohydrates, enhancement of production of insulin, regeneration of beta cell of the pancreas and increased secretion of insulin. In short, we shall include okra or lady fingers into our vegetables list. It is a very common vegetables in this Asia Pacific region.

Salads for 2-3 servings:
6-9ea lady fingers or okra (washed & cleaned)
2 tsps Seaweed sauces* (usually made in Taiwan, made in Korea or Japan)
1/2 tsp shallots oil or garlic oil (fried some vegetable oil with slices of shallots or garlic)
Some toasted sesame 

* If  you can't get the seaweed sauce, just replace it with light soya sauces will do.

1) Boil a pot of boiling hot water & cook the okra for 4-5 mins.
2) Drain & cool with running tap water. Put aside & slice it.
3) Mix the sliced okra with shallot/garlic oil.
4) Season well with the seaweed sauces or light soya sauces.
5) Sprinkles some toasted sesame on top.
6) Serve immediately.